Blog / October 12, 2022

Employee Experience Insights: Everything you need to know

Varun Singh, VP of Product

measure the impact of your investments

Today is a big day for Moveworks. We’re launching what I believe to be one of the most impactful products we’ve ever built: Employee Experience Insights (EXI).

Here, we see firsthand how business leaders face an impossible task: You’re constantly working to create a more efficient, more productive workplace, but you have no real way of knowing what’s slowing your employees down.

Current methods to understand the employee experience fall short. We’ve all experienced workplace satisfaction surveys. They’re a great way to hear straight from your employees, but you’ll never get the full picture when only a small part of your workforce takes the time to fill them out.

Other methods leverage data from the tickets that come into the service desk. Support tickets provide a treasure trove of information about what your employees need. But existing analytics solutions leave much to be desired since they’re only capable of reviewing the structured data within tickets, such as assignee, priority, status, and resolution time. 

While these analytics offer a view into the agent experience, they largely ignore the most important information. Unstructured text from the description of the issue, work notes, and comments actually tell you about your employees’ everyday frustrations. Companies try to track this level of detail with manual tagging, but this approach is unscalable and prone to errors.

Clearly, support ticket data is the way to fully know what employees are going through, but how can you access these insights at scale? 

Moveworks’ new Employee Experience Insights (EXI) taps into the information hidden in support tickets to reveal your workforce’s everyday experience. Using our own breakthrough techniques in natural language understanding (NLU) and machine learning, EXI turns disparate employee complaints into actionable data, so that you can act proactively and make informed decisions.

Starting today, for the first time, you’ll be able to answer any question that work throws at you. Like: 

  • How much time do Sales reps spend troubleshooting?
  • What are the most common issues facing remote workers?
  • Which applications do employees need to access on day one?
  • What drives dissatisfaction with our most critical apps?
  • What were the biggest changes since last quarter?

More to the point, with Employee Experience Insights, you’ll know definitively which levers to pull to make the most impact on your organization. Companies like Albemarle are already using the unprecedented information EXI provides to upend “business as usual” and transform their employee experience. For today, though, I’ll just give you a taste of what’s possible, running through three key use cases.


Identify every team’s pain points

Employees regularly face challenges that prevent them from efficiently doing their job. To ensure that they spend their time where it matters most, it’s essential to identify and resolve roadblocks. However, conventional ITSM insights tools focus primarily on tickets and SLAs, ignoring the details hidden in support tickets.

By analyzing thousands of different issues, Employee Experience Insights offers a granular view of the biggest issues affecting each employee persona, allowing leaders across departments to remove inefficiencies, power productivity, and respond to employee frustrations as they happen. 

Is the Customer Success team constantly troubleshooting Zoom? Are engineers blocked by a finicky VPN? Are Salesforce glitches piling up at the end of every quarter? With Employee Experience Insights, you can drill down into each of these groups with intelligent filtering to determine which issues waste the most time and cause the most frustration.

employee experience ensights filters issues intelligently Figure 1: Employee Experience Insights filters issues intelligently by both persona and time.

Measure the impact of your investments

Poor technology has a massive impact on employee productivity. With employees flipping between Slack, Dropbox, Zoom, GitHub, and a half dozen other applications to do their job, it’s of the utmost importance to ensure that none of these technologies is holding your people back. 

Powered by NLU, Employee Experience Insights breaks down issues to reveal what’s working and what’s not. This tool puts in-depth information at your fingertips, so you can make more informed adjustments and ensure that everyone’s tools are functioning at one hundred percent.

For example, with EXI, a sudden uptick in hardware issues becomes an opportunity. Instead of addressing each ticket as an individual problem, you’ll see that a growing percentage of new hires are waiting an extra month for new keyboards and monitors, compared to your internal benchmark. Armed with that information, you can dig deeper and find out that, perhaps, your vendor is experiencing delays. Instead of forcing employees to sit and wait, you can update your device policy, potentially making it easier for certain employees to expense their own hardware.

measure the impact of your investments Figure 2: Employee Experience Insights reveals which resources, applications, and services are causing the most pain with a hotspot graph.

Prioritize the initiatives that make the most impact

One of the most daunting challenges businesses face today is prioritization. You may want to build the best employee experience, but choosing where and when to act is easier said than done, right? With most support analytics focused on moving tickets through the pipeline, knowing which initiatives will make the most impact can be a bit of a crapshoot. 

Employee Experience Insights gives you the information you need to take action. By breaking down and then clustering tickets by both persona and time, EXI reveals trends as they happen. External-facing teams are waiting five days for access approvals. Remote employees don’t know how to get a security badge when they visit HQ. The Chicago office files three times as many tickets about the WiFi connection as the rest of the organization. 

This one-of-a-kind insight helps business leaders lead data-informed conversations. Instead of guessing, you’ll know exactly where to move resources to make the biggest impact. This could mean adjusting staffing, re-negotiating a contract, or investing in a new tool.

prioritize the initiatives that make the most impact Figure 3: Employee Experience Insights gives support team leaders the ability to continuously track and socialize the impact of every decision and initiative.

Natural language understanding turns data into action

I hear you right now: “But I already have dashboards. How is Employee Experience Insights any different?” Well — it comes down to our NLU. 

Employee Experience Insights relies on the Moveworks Intelligence Engine™ to understand and categorize every employee issue. Instead of requiring leaders to sift through tons of metadata, EXI leverages best-in-class language models trained on over 400 million support requests to break down thousands of complex, nuanced utterances in seconds. 

Our approach makes Employee Experience Insights uniquely capable of providing a comprehensive view of what’s going on in your environment. By illuminating inefficiencies across your company, our platform gives CIOs and other employee experience leaders an actionable plan to increase productivity and overall employee satisfaction.


Solve your biggest problems with Employee Experience Insights

In my mind, there are two main approaches to problem-solving. You can take an individual issue at face value and wrestle with it endlessly. Or you can look at the issue in context to find a higher-order solution.

At Moveworks, we don’t just want to solve our customers’ immediate problems. Instead, we prefer to take a step back and look for opportunities to solve bigger, broader issues that render the original problems irrelevant. Look at your last month of support tickets: Are you tackling the biggest, hardest problems that are facing your workforce? Are you transforming your employee experience for the better? Is it even possible for you to easily answer these questions? Probably not. 

To answer these questions, you need to explore the environment in which your tickets live. And that’s where Employee Experience Insights come in, breaking down every employee issue in real time and surfacing hidden trends. So you can do what you do best: finding lasting solutions.

Your entire employee experience, on a single screen. Learn more

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