Why does over 90% of Unity love IT? Generative AI

Unity’s CIO Brian Hoyt has the key to building an IT experience that employees love: generative AI that fixes issues end to end


Unity is the world’s leading platform for creating 3D content. Of the top 1,000 mobile games, 72% were made with Unity.

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Employee satisfaction with Moveworks


Unity’s switch to remote work led to a nearly 2X increase in IT tickets since employees could no longer ask their colleagues in the office for help


Reduced the resolution time of IT issues from 3 days to less than 1 minute, resulting in more that 90% employee satisfaction with IT

The Problem

Tech that changes the game for creators

Unity is the world’s leading platform for creating and operating real-time 3D (RT3D) content. Creators — ranging from game developers to artists, architects, automotive designers, filmmakers, and others — use Unity to make their imaginations come to life. Apps developed by Unity creators were downloaded more than five billion times per month in 2020. 

From an IT perspective, prioritizing the productivity and experience of Unity’s employees is a top priority — enabling them to achieve peak performance by eliminating friction from the workday. But to support these employees at scale, Unity’s CIO Brian Hoyt recognized the need for a new approach. 

The Solution

Unity unleashed Ninja Unicorn

In April 2019, the Unity team deployed its Moveworks AI Copilot, known to the company’s employees as Ninja Unicorn. The Copilot uses advanced natural language understanding (NLU) to deduce — and then deliver — the best resolution to employees’ IT issues. Ninja Unicorn helps employees with a vast array of tech problems: getting software, resetting passwords, editing email groups, troubleshooting devices, and more. Moveworks has made a profound impact at Unity, immediately winning over employees by resolving their IT issues within a few seconds. 

Today, Ninja Unicorn handles 30% of these issues, completely autonomously. And for anything that requires an expert touch, the Copilot routes the issue to the appropriate assignment group to accelerate resolution for nearly all requests. Moveworks’ machine learning approach enables Ninja Unicorn to continuously deepen its knowledge of Unity’s IT environment, resolving more and more issues without intervention from the service desk.

Unity with Moveworks chat screen

It’s really Moveworks that brought to life our vision of instant support on Slack. The bot helps people through natural conversation just like an agent would — but at the speed of AI.

Brian Hoyt


The Result

Unity adapted to the future of work, without pressing pause

During the pandemic, Unity’s employees became completely reliant on technology to stay productive, which caused its IT ticket volume to skyrocket. In just the first month of remote work, Unity’s employees submitted six times as many requests for Zoom, seven times as many questions about company policy, and 89% more issues overall. 

In stepped Ninja Unicorn, which intercepted tech issues across every channel, from email to Slack to the IT support portal, and addressed them right on chat. By resolving employees’ issues no matter how they’re raised, Ninja Unicorn ensured that the company could handle the surge in support requests, without pausing key digital transformation projects. And even better — more than 90 percent of Unity’s employees are satisfied with their IT experience.

Now more than ever, companies are getting a clear glimpse into the future of work — a future that will be powered by enterprise collaboration tools and conversational AI. These technologies are paving the way for people to work together, regardless of their location, and to fix support issues at work, simply by chatting with an AI copilot. With Moveworks, Hoyt has seen that future become reality: 

“It’s really Moveworks that brought to life our vision of instant support on Slack.”

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