How does grounding work?

Grounding AI in machine learning refers to the process of linking abstract knowledge in AI systems to tangible, real-world examples. This enhances an AI's ability to produce better predictions and responses by using specific, contextually relevant information.

In the realm of language models, grounding AI involves giving large language models (LLMs) access to use-case specific information, which is not inherently part of their training data. By including explicitly cited data, a grounded model can generate more precise and contextually relevant output.

To go a bit deeper, generative LLMs produce text using two primary methods. In one way, the LLM relies on the knowledge and understanding gained from its training data. And in the other way, the model is provided with specific information (e.g., for summarization) and instructed to either use that information alone or combine it with its inherent knowledge to generate the text. 

Ultimately, grounding AI aims to build machine learning solutions that intelligently and effectively operate in real-world situations, offering users contextually appropriate, accurate, and meaningful results. As you can imagine, grounding becomes important because that is the way we can influence LLM outputs to be customized to the knowledge of a particular organization.

It's important to clarify that grounding does not refer to training a model with annotated data containing the information to be used for generating the response, as this would be known as supervised learning. Instead, grounding specifically relates to guiding a generative language model to generate responses that incorporate explicitly referenced information.

Why is grounding important?

Grounding can minimize hallucinations in large language models.

One intriguing aspect of large language models (LLMs) is the occurrence of the "hallucination" effect. Hallucination occurs when an AI generates outputs that sometimes appear reasonable but are not entirely accurate based on the given context. And in some rarer cases — an LLM could surface information that is just plain wrong. 

That said, hallucinations are not inherently negative, as they can demonstrate an AI model's ability to create inventive text and responses. However, if hallucinations lead to misleading outputs or if they reflect leaked world knowledge, they become problematic.

Recognizing the types and impacts of hallucinations is essential in determining their acceptability. Generally, hallucinations are less concerning in conversational responses, where there is no specific ground truth, and the goal is to generate text consistent with the overall context and tone. 

This is to say that hallucination is an intrinsic characteristic of AI systems and sometimes can be beneficial. The key is identifying when hallucinations are problematic and mitigating their drawbacks while harnessing their potential for producing more engaging and contextually relevant AI-generated responses. This is where grounding plays a vital role.

Grounding improves AI decision-making

Particularly in enterprise settings, AI systems are increasingly relied upon to make critical decisions, offer recommendations, or provide solutions that directly impact business operations. In such scenarios, accuracy becomes a non-negotiable requirement. Grounding AI ensures that the AI model's understanding is closely linked to the real-world context, minimizing errors and maximizing the relevance of the generated outputs.

By grounding AI, systems can better decipher the surrounding context, filter through available data, and process information in a manner that reflects real-world situations. This ability significantly enhances decision-making capabilities, as the AI system can draw from specific and relevant data sources to produce outputs that are aligned with the scenario at hand.

Grounding helps AI better interpret and process complex situations

AI systems often encounter difficulties when interpreting and processing complex real-world data. Identifying and addressing these challenges is crucial for developing AI models that can provide meaningful and effective responses in a wide array of applications. Some challenges faced by AI systems when understanding real-world data include: 

  • Nuanced language: AI models may struggle to correctly interpret sarcasm, humor, idiomatic expressions, or other linguistic nuances. This can lead to misunderstanding context and producing incorrect or irrelevant outputs. 

  • Ambiguity: Real-world data often contain vague or ambiguous information, making it difficult for AI systems to extract precise meaning and build proper context around the data they process. 

  • Inconsistencies in data: Real-world data can often be unstructured, containing inconsistencies, omissions, or contradictions. AI systems must learn to handle these inconsistencies effectively to produce reliable results. 

  • Multimodal data: AI systems may need to process and integrate information from various sources and formats, including text, voice, images, and video. Each data type presents its unique challenges for interpretation and processing.

The consequences of the challenges listed above are that training is not always able to imbue the model with everything it needs to produce a contextually relevant response. Grounding helps the model to produce better results, without being limited by its training data.

Why grounding matters for companies

Grounding is crucial for companies as it significantly enhances the accuracy and relevance of AI-generated responses. By linking AI systems to real-world examples, grounding helps minimize the occurrence of hallucinations, ensuring that AI outputs are contextually accurate and reliable. This is particularly important in enterprise settings where AI systems are making critical decisions, offering recommendations, or providing solutions that impact business operations, and accuracy is paramount.

Furthermore, grounding aids AI in interpreting and processing complex real-world situations, including nuanced language, ambiguity, inconsistencies in data, and multimodal information. This capability is invaluable for developing AI models that can effectively handle a wide range of data types and scenarios, ultimately leading to more meaningful and contextually relevant responses.

Learn more about grounding



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