Free up your help desk while delivering support at scale — automatically

Scale your business with an AI-powered IT help desk

Time is every employee’s most valuable resource. Give your IT team time back to focus on the most complicated issues.

Give your employees the answers they need instantly

Information can hide in many places. Moveworks’ AI Copilot gives your employees one place they can go to find all the answers.

Help employees take action

Employees use Moveworks’ AI Copilot to solve their own problems — from provisioning software to troubleshooting the VPN.

Software provisioning

Access software at the click of a button

Find out what software you need and provision it instantly. Moveworks’ AI Copilot makes sure new hires have everything they need from day one.


Distribution list management

Update groups in an instant

Create a group and add and remove users — all without ever leaving your chat platform of choice.


Account access

Take the hassle out of accessing your account

Whether you need proactive notifications or reactive password resets, Moveworks’ AI Copilot makes accessing your account the quickest task of your day. 


Technical troubleshooting

Get faster resolutions with on-the-spot tech support

Gone are the days of waiting for the help desk to fix a technical issue. Let the Moveworks AI Copilot take action and help you connect to VPN, recover an important email, and more.


Bring AI transformation to your IT teams

Service management

Transform the service desk with generative AI — Moveworks automates and accelerates service workstreams across the enterprise.
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Knowledge Studio

Speed up content creation — grounded in your company’s data — and fill knowledge gaps, with generative AI
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Understand which conversational automation use cases will drive the biggest impact for IT teams
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Connect to all your everyday IT applications

Integrations for actions feature

57% of issues are resolved autonomously at Broadcom

With growth comes more integrations and IT issues. By integrating scattered knowledge bases with AI, Broadcom’s employees can help themselves using Moveworks’ AI Copilot.

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Elevate your IT team's potential with an AI service desk



Learn how IT teams can use generative AI and large language models to drive impact.
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Discover how enterprise architects can integrate conversational AI into a business.
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Explore 8 game-changing things that only Moveworks can do to support the enterprise.
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Learn about the 4-tier framework to create an AI copilot strategy for your company.
Read the blog

Automate IT support with Moveworks



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