TC Energy transformed legacy IT in less than two months with AI

For the CIO at TC Energy, effective digital transformation depends on the processes and people driving change within the company. Watch to learn why he chose AI.


For more than 70 years, TC Energy has operated pipelines, storage facilities, and power-generation plants that support life in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico.

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To launch the Moveworks Copilot


Updating legacy support systems to keep pace with the rapidly modernizing energy industry


Launched an AI copilot in under two months, kickstarting the IT team’s digital transformation

The Problem

TC Energy knows that digital transformation is a lynchpin for modernizing the energy industry

Every IT team in the world is leading a digital transformation initiative, whether that means simply typing up physical documents or deploying advanced AI. But for Chris Foster, CIO at TC Energy, doing digital transformation right was especially crucial. 

In his mind, the energy sector is at an inflection point. For a long time, there hasn’t been a lot of change. But now, Foster sees that it’s imperative for even the most successful companies to not “rest on their laurels”. Instead they need to find room for transformation across their organizations, from sustainable business practices to building the best employee experience for employees.

Foster saw this challenge as an opportunity to find a solution that could truly transform how the company functioned. He saw AI as a way to help employees across the company focus on what matters, while also saving time and money. As he navigated through a number of AI-powered tools on the market, he determined that — above all — a successful AI solution must have rapid time to value. 

The Solution

Moveworks offers fully fledged AI transformation — in just months

In September 2020 — just two months after his original conversation with Moveworks — TC Energy’s CIO launched the new copilot, Joule. The Moveworks Copilot got to work on launch day, resolving IT issues end to end.

One of the main benefits of the Moveworks approach is that his team didn’t need to train language models, build dialog flows, or maintain or configure the platform. Instead, Joule is powered by advanced conversational AI architecture that’s purpose-built for employee service. This underlying technology is powered by the Moveworks Reasoning Engine and allows the Copilot to resolve issues instantly and automatically. 

For Foster, choosing Moveworks meant investing in a platform that automatically improves over time. The Moveworks Machine Learning team continuously invests in R&D to improve the underlying machine learning models, based on both recent and historical data across our diverse customer base so that employees at TC Energy get immediate, accurate support.

TC Energy with Moveworks chat screen

Be careful about only engaging in that race to the bottom on costs, because you might win.

Chris Foster

CIO, TC Energy

The Result

TC Energy powers digital transformation with AI.

Almost every company is looking to incorporate AI and machine learning into their internal procedures to improve the employee experience without breaking the budget. But getting started with such sophisticated tools can be a real challenge, especially a company like TC Energy. 

By starting his company’s AI journey with Moveworks, Foster opened the door to implementing other advanced tools. Joule gave his team the bandwidth and resources required to focus on the future, instead of getting caught up in busy work. Instead, Joule was up and running in less than 60 days, and the Copilot continues to improve itself as it helps more and more employees. With the help of AI, TC Energy has a headstart in the race to transform the future of power-generation.

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